• Archive SMIL


    Wow, what a heading! Some would call it lack of imagination, I like to think of it as artistic restraint — it’s just too easy to make puns with “SMILe”!

    Progress on SMIL continues, albeit in slow motion. Just a really quick note for those one or two people who want to know what’s going on:

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  • Archive SMIL

    SMIL compiles again

    Today is the Queen’s birthday public holiday in Australia. In Sydney the weather is freezing and the surf is huge. All this means I’ve finally got my SMIL work to compile against the trunk again. Now to get it working again!

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  • Archive SMIL

    SMIL Animation in Mozilla report

    I’ve published the report I wrote for regarding my project implementing SMIL Animation in Mozilla. At 147 pages and ~700kb it’s fairly detailed but I hope it will be of interest to some. Thanks to all who helped. Here it is:

    • https://birtles.blog/smil/report/report.pdf

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